Shelley Arrington
Elliptical Warmup x 5-15 min
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Side Plank x 10 sec each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Bosu Crunches x 10
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 8 each leg
Rest 30-60 sec
Roll inner thighs on foam roller on ground 2 min
Roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldown x 12-15
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 13-15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 12 each leg
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 75-90 sec
Roll Quads on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
Rear Laterals x 15
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-15
Standing Hammer Curls x 12-15
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 60 sec
No rest
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Elliptical Warmup x 5-15 min
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Side Plank x 10 sec each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Bosu Crunches x 10
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 8 each leg
Rest 30-60 sec
Roll inner thighs on foam roller on ground 2 min
Roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldown x 12-15
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 13-15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 12 each leg
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 75-90 sec
Roll Quads on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
Rear Laterals x 15
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-15
Standing Hammer Curls x 12-15
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 60 sec
No rest
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Elliptical Warmup x 5-15 min
2 sets
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Side Laterals x 15-20
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 12-15
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-12
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 10-12
Rest 30-60 sec
2 sets
Zottman Curls x 10-12
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Rear Laterals x 10-15
Rest 75-90 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup x 5-15 min
2 sets
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Side Laterals x 15-20
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 12-15
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-12
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 10-12
Rest 30-60 sec
2 sets
Zottman Curls x 10-12
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Rear Laterals x 10-15
Rest 75-90 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup x 5-15 min
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Side Plank x 15 sec each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Bosu Crunches x 10-15
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Side Band Walking x 10 yards and back 2 laps
Rest 30-60 sec
Stop and Roll inner thighs on foam roller on ground 2-3 min
Roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 12-15
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 13-15
Rear Laterals x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 75-90 sec
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Kettlebell Swings x 15-20 (continue using a light weight to make be conservative and keep your back safe until you completely master the form)
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 60 sec
No rest
Roll Quads on foam roller 1-2 min
Roll Calves on foam roller 1-2 min
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup x 5-15 min
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Side Plank x 15 sec each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Bosu Crunches x 10-15
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Side Band Walking x 10 yards and back 2 laps
Rest 30-60 sec
Stop and Roll inner thighs on foam roller on ground 2-3 min
Roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 12-15
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 13-15
Rear Laterals x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 75-90 sec
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Kettlebell Swings x 15-20 (continue using a light weight to make be conservative and keep your back safe until you completely master the form)
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 60 sec
No rest
Roll Quads on foam roller 1-2 min
Roll Calves on foam roller 1-2 min
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup x 5-15 min
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Side Band Walking x 10 yards and back 2 laps
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 30-60 sec
Stop and Roll inner thighs on foam roller on ground 2-3 min
Roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Kettlebell Swings x 15-20 (start with a light weight to make be conservative and keep your back safe until you completely master the form)
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 60 sec
No rest
Roll Quads on foam roller 1-2 min
Roll Calves on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Rear Laterals x 15-20
Alternating One Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 10-12 each side
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Rest 75-90 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup x 5-15 min
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Side Band Walking x 10 yards and back 2 laps
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 30-60 sec
Stop and Roll inner thighs on foam roller on ground 2-3 min
Roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Kettlebell Swings x 15-20 (start with a light weight to make be conservative and keep your back safe until you completely master the form)
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 60 sec
No rest
Roll Quads on foam roller 1-2 min
Roll Calves on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Rear Laterals x 15-20
Alternating One Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 10-12 each side
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Rest 75-90 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 25
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Leg Swings Front to Back and Side to Side x 7 each
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Rest 75 sec
2 sets
Duffle Bag One Arm Upright Row x 10-12
Broomstick Good Mornings x 10-12 (you can do without broomstick)
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 75 sec and stretch pecs in doorway, roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Floor Cobra x 10
Bodyweight Squats x 20-25
Rest 60-75 sec
Cooldown as time permits:
Stretch and roll anything possible with what you have available
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 25
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Leg Swings Front to Back and Side to Side x 7 each
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Rest 75 sec
2 sets
Duffle Bag One Arm Upright Row x 10-12
Broomstick Good Mornings x 10-12 (you can do without broomstick)
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 75 sec and stretch pecs in doorway, roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Floor Cobra x 10
Bodyweight Squats x 20-25
Rest 60-75 sec
Cooldown as time permits:
Stretch and roll anything possible with what you have available
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Side Band Walking x 10 yards and back 2 laps (if you don't have a band, you can simply walk sideways like this today and order some bands on Amazon for next time - they're super cheap)
Hip Thrusts x 25
Rest 30-60 sec
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground 1-2 min
Roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bicycles x 10 each side
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
Roll Quads on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
Broomstick Good Mornings x 10-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-20
Rear Laterals x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 20-30
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 60 sec
No rest
Roll Calves on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 15-20
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns with lighter weight x 20-25
Step Ups x 15 each leg
Rest 75-90 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Side Band Walking x 10 yards and back 2 laps (if you don't have a band, you can simply walk sideways like this today and order some bands on Amazon for next time - they're super cheap)
Hip Thrusts x 25
Rest 30-60 sec
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground 1-2 min
Roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bicycles x 10 each side
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
Roll Quads on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
Broomstick Good Mornings x 10-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-20
Rear Laterals x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 20-30
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 60 sec
No rest
Roll Calves on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 15-20
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns with lighter weight x 20-25
Step Ups x 15 each leg
Rest 75-90 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Hip Thrusts x 25
Rest 30-60 sec
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground 1-2 min
Roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Broomstick Good Mornings x 10-15
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 12-20
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 30-45 sec
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
Roll Quads on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
YTWs x 8 each version
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Seated Zottman Curls x 12-15
Lunge Pulse x 10 each leg
Rest 75 sec and stretch quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, or roll hips
Roll Calves on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Calf Raises x 15-20
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 15-25 (go as deep as possible)
Rest 75-90 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Hip Thrusts x 25
Rest 30-60 sec
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground 1-2 min
Roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Broomstick Good Mornings x 10-15
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 12-20
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 30-45 sec
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
Roll Quads on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
YTWs x 8 each version
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Seated Zottman Curls x 12-15
Lunge Pulse x 10 each leg
Rest 75 sec and stretch quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, or roll hips
Roll Calves on foam roller 1-2 min
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Calf Raises x 15-20
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 15-25 (go as deep as possible)
Rest 75-90 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis, quads, inner thigh, or IT bands
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground and roll rotator cuffs on lacrosse ball on wall 2-3 min total
2 sets
Broomstick Good Mornings x 10-15
Side Laterals x 20-25
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 30-45 sec
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
Stop and roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
Hip Thrusts x 25
Seated Hammer Curls x 15-20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 20-25
Rest 75 sec and roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15 (go as deep as possible)
Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 75 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis, quads, inner thigh, or IT bands
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground and roll rotator cuffs on lacrosse ball on wall 2-3 min total
2 sets
Broomstick Good Mornings x 10-15
Side Laterals x 20-25
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 30-45 sec
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
Stop and roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
Hip Thrusts x 25
Seated Hammer Curls x 15-20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 20-25
Rest 75 sec and roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15 (go as deep as possible)
Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 75 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Bosu Crossover Crunch x 10 each side
Side Plank x 10-20 sec each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis, quads, inner thigh, or IT bands
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground and roll rotator cuffs on lacrosse ball on wall 2-3 min total
2 sets
YTWs x 8 each (extremely light weight or no weight at all)
Broomstick Good Mornings x 10-15
Crunches x 20
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 30-45 sec
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
Stop and roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10-15
Hip Thrusts x 20-25
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 75 sec and roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-15
Rest 75 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Bosu Crossover Crunch x 10 each side
Side Plank x 10-20 sec each side
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis, quads, inner thigh, or IT bands
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground and roll rotator cuffs on lacrosse ball on wall 2-3 min total
2 sets
YTWs x 8 each (extremely light weight or no weight at all)
Broomstick Good Mornings x 10-15
Crunches x 20
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 30-45 sec
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
Stop and roll piriformis on Trigger Point Ball for 1-2 min
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10-15
Hip Thrusts x 20-25
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 75 sec and roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-15
Rest 75 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Bosu Crossover Crunch x 10 each side
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis, quads, inner thigh, or IT bands
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground and roll rotator cuffs on lacrosse ball on wall 2-3 min total
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
One leg stiff leg deadlift x 10 each side with light weight or no weight
Dumbbell Step Ups x 8-10 each leg
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 30-45 sec
Rest 60-75 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Row x 12-15
Crunches x 15-20
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 75 sec and roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
Broomstick Good Morning x 12-15
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 75 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Bosu Crossover Crunch x 10 each side
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis, quads, inner thigh, or IT bands
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground and roll rotator cuffs on lacrosse ball on wall 2-3 min total
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
One leg stiff leg deadlift x 10 each side with light weight or no weight
Dumbbell Step Ups x 8-10 each leg
Stretch Pecs with dumbbells on bench x 30-45 sec
Rest 60-75 sec and roll piriformis or stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Row x 12-15
Crunches x 15-20
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 75 sec and roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
Broomstick Good Morning x 12-15
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 75 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Tricep Rope Pushdown x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis, quads, inner thigh, or IT bands
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground and roll rotator cuffs on lacrosse ball on wall 2-3 min total
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 12-15
One leg stiff leg deadlift x 10 each side with light weight or no weight
Bodyweight Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 60-75 sec and and roll piriformis, stretch hamstrings, or stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench
2 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Broomstick Good Morning x 12-15
Rear Laterals x 15-20
Calf Raises x 12-15 Tempo 1210
Rest 75 sec and roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 10-15
EZ Bar Reverse Curls x 10-15
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 5 each leg
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 75 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Tricep Rope Pushdown x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis, quads, inner thigh, or IT bands
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground and roll rotator cuffs on lacrosse ball on wall 2-3 min total
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 12-15
One leg stiff leg deadlift x 10 each side with light weight or no weight
Bodyweight Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 60-75 sec and and roll piriformis, stretch hamstrings, or stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench
2 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Broomstick Good Morning x 12-15
Rear Laterals x 15-20
Calf Raises x 12-15 Tempo 1210
Rest 75 sec and roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 10-15
EZ Bar Reverse Curls x 10-15
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 5 each leg
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 75 sec
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20-25
Hip Thrusts x 20 (with your back on the floor instead of on a bench)
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
One leg stiff leg deadlift x 8 each side with no weight
Calf Raises x 12-15 Tempo 1210
Rear Laterals without weights x 20-25
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Broomstick Good Morning x 12-15 (without a broomstick)
Knee Pushups x AMAP (as many as possible)
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 75 sec and stretch quads or stretch calves
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift (using a light duffel bag or something instead of a dumbbell) x 10-15
Crunches x 15
Rest 75 sec and stretch pecs standing in a doorway with one hand on each side of the doorway
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20-25
Hip Thrusts x 20 (with your back on the floor instead of on a bench)
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
One leg stiff leg deadlift x 8 each side with no weight
Calf Raises x 12-15 Tempo 1210
Rear Laterals without weights x 20-25
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Broomstick Good Morning x 12-15 (without a broomstick)
Knee Pushups x AMAP (as many as possible)
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 75 sec and stretch quads or stretch calves
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift (using a light duffel bag or something instead of a dumbbell) x 10-15
Crunches x 15
Rest 75 sec and stretch pecs standing in a doorway with one hand on each side of the doorway
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Bicycles x 10 each side
Cobra x 10
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis, quads, inner thigh, or IT bands
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground and roll rotator cuffs on lacrosse ball on wall
2 sets
One leg stiff leg deadlift x 8 each side with light weight or no weight
Calf Raises x 12-15 Tempo 1210
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 10-12 each side
Rest 60 sec and and roll piriformis, or stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Broomstick Good Morning x 12-15
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 12-15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 75 sec and roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-25
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-25
Hip Thrusts x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 12-15
Rest 75 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 45-60 of those seconds
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Elliptical Warmup
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Bicycles x 10 each side
Cobra x 10
Rest 60 sec and roll piriformis, quads, inner thigh, or IT bands
Stop and Roll lats on foam roller ground and roll rotator cuffs on lacrosse ball on wall
2 sets
One leg stiff leg deadlift x 8 each side with light weight or no weight
Calf Raises x 12-15 Tempo 1210
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 10-12 each side
Rest 60 sec and and roll piriformis, or stretch hamstrings
2 sets
Broomstick Good Morning x 12-15
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 12-15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 75 sec and roll quads, stretch calves, roll IT band, roll inner thigh, and/or roll hip flexors
2 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-25
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-25
Hip Thrusts x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 12-15
Rest 75 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 45-60 of those seconds
If time permits, elliptical for as long as desired.
Cooldown as needed and as time permits
Take 5 minutes to do a Quick Foam Roll of any of the main muscles that feel like they need it:
Foam Roller: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats
Trigger Point Ball or Medicine Ball: Hamstrings
Lacrosse Ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, rotator cuff
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up on Bench, Hamstrings laying on Floor with leg up, Calves against wall
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15
Bicycles x 15 each leg
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 10-12 each side
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Hip Thrusts x 12-20
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds if possible
2 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Ball Squats x 12-15
Standing Calf Raises x 10-15
Rest 75 seconds and stretch calves
2 set
Standing Hammer Curls x 12-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-20
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 60 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15
Bicycles x 15 each leg
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 10-12 each side
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Hip Thrusts x 12-20
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds if possible
2 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Ball Squats x 12-15
Standing Calf Raises x 10-15
Rest 75 seconds and stretch calves
2 set
Standing Hammer Curls x 12-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-20
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 60 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 15-20
Bird Dogs x 8 each arm
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Standing Calf Raises x 10-15
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds if possible
2 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
2 set
Rope Cable Curls x 12-15
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 60 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 15-20
Bird Dogs x 8 each arm
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Standing Calf Raises x 10-15
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds if possible
2 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
2 set
Rope Cable Curls x 12-15
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 60 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-20 each arm
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds if possible
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 12-15
Bodyweight Squats x 5-8
Standing Calf Raises x 10-15
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
2 set
Rope Upright Rows x 12-15
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 12-20
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-20 each arm
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds if possible
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 12-15
Bodyweight Squats x 5-8
Standing Calf Raises x 10-15
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
2 set
Rope Upright Rows x 12-15
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 12-20
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds if possible
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Crunches x 15
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
2 set
Plate Front Raise x 10-12
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds if possible
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Crunches x 15
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
2 set
Plate Front Raise x 10-12
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 60 sec and foam roll the spinal erectors (the muscles running vertically on each side of the spine) by laying crossways on a foam roller
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Rear Laterals x 15
1 Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 8-10 each leg
Plate Front Raise x 10-12
Bodyweight Squats x 12-15
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Crunches x 15
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 15-20
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 60 sec and foam roll the spinal erectors (the muscles running vertically on each side of the spine) by laying crossways on a foam roller
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Rear Laterals x 15
1 Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 8-10 each leg
Plate Front Raise x 10-12
Bodyweight Squats x 12-15
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Crunches x 15
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 15-20
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rear Laterals x 15
Rest 60 sec and foam roll the spinal erectors (the muscles running vertically on each side of the spine) by laying crossways on a foam roller
2 sets
Plate Front Raise x 12-15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-18
Bodyweight Squats x 15-20
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
1 set
Stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench x 60 sec
2 sets
Bicycles x 15 each side
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-18
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-18
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rear Laterals x 15
Rest 60 sec and foam roll the spinal erectors (the muscles running vertically on each side of the spine) by laying crossways on a foam roller
2 sets
Plate Front Raise x 12-15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-18
Bodyweight Squats x 15-20
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
1 set
Stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench x 60 sec
2 sets
Bicycles x 15 each side
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-18
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-18
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15
Rest 60 sec and foam roll the spinal erectors (the muscles running vertically on each side of the spine) by laying crossways on a foam roller
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 10-12
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 10-12
Alternating One Arm Dumbbell Upright Row x 10-12 each
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Crunches x 15
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Flat Flyes x 12-15
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 12-15
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 10-12 each
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench
2 sets
Lying EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Zottman Curls x 12-15
Ball Squats x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and use massage gun on hamstrings, thighs, or hips
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15
Rest 60 sec and foam roll the spinal erectors (the muscles running vertically on each side of the spine) by laying crossways on a foam roller
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 10-12
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 10-12
Alternating One Arm Dumbbell Upright Row x 10-12 each
Rest 90 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench for 60 of those seconds
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Crunches x 15
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Flat Flyes x 12-15
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 12-15
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 10-12 each
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench
2 sets
Lying EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Zottman Curls x 12-15
Ball Squats x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and use massage gun on hamstrings, thighs, or hips
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Plate Front Raise x 10-12
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Ball Squats x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 12-15
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Triceps Rope Pushdowns x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and use massage gun on hamstrings, thighs, or hips
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Cobras x 8-10
Hip Thrusts x 20
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 12 each arm
Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Rest 60 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Plate Front Raise x 10-12
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Rest 75 seconds and use massage gun on hamstrings
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Ball Squats x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 12-15
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Triceps Rope Pushdowns x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and use massage gun on hamstrings, thighs, or hips
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Cobras x 8-10
Hip Thrusts x 20
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 12 each arm
Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Rest 60 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Rest 60 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 12-15
Crunches x 15
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Low Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 12-15
Bodyweight Ball Squats x 20
Rest 60-90 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 12 each arm
Hip Thrusts x 20
Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and Stretch pecs on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Rest 60 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 12-15
Crunches x 15
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Low Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 12-15
Bodyweight Ball Squats x 20
Rest 60-90 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 12 each arm
Hip Thrusts x 20
Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and Stretch pecs on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 5 each side
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 12-15 reps
Crunches x 15
Rest 60 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15 reps each arm
Bodyweight Ball Squats x 12-18
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Low Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 12-15
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10-15 (if the ball squats don't irritate the foot, these likely won't either so we'll use them to help us replace step ups etc...if these do actually irritate the foot, just skip them and we'll find another replacement, no problem)
Tricep Rope Cable Extensions x 12-15
Rest 60 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Plate Front Raise x 10-12
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
Side Laterals x 15
Rest 60 sec and Stretch pecs on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 5 each side
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 12-15 reps
Crunches x 15
Rest 60 sec and stretch pecs with dumbbells on bench
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15 reps each arm
Bodyweight Ball Squats x 12-18
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Low Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 12-15
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10-15 (if the ball squats don't irritate the foot, these likely won't either so we'll use them to help us replace step ups etc...if these do actually irritate the foot, just skip them and we'll find another replacement, no problem)
Tricep Rope Cable Extensions x 12-15
Rest 60 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Plate Front Raise x 10-12
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
Side Laterals x 15
Rest 60 sec and Stretch pecs on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 15 each leg
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15, 10, 8 (increase weight each set on these today)
FFE Bodyweight Split Squat x 6 each leg
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 45 sec and Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Low Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 12-15
Ball Squats x 15-20 bodyweight only
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 12-15
Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg
Rest 60 sec and Stretch pecs on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 15 each leg
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15, 10, 8 (increase weight each set on these today)
FFE Bodyweight Split Squat x 6 each leg
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 45 sec and Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Inner Thighs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Low Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 12-15
Ball Squats x 15-20 bodyweight only
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 12-15
Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg
Rest 60 sec and Stretch pecs on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Ball Squats x 15 bodyweight only
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 10-12 (aim for 8-10lbs dumbbells today)
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
FFE Bodyweight Split Squat x 4 each leg
Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 45 sec and Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bicycles x 10-15 each side
Rest 20 seconds
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Rest 20 seconds
Ball Squats x 10 (hold 8-10lb dumbbells in each hand)
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 15 each leg
Rest 60 sec and Stretch pecs on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Ball Squats x 15 bodyweight only
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 10-12 (aim for 8-10lbs dumbbells today)
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
FFE Bodyweight Split Squat x 4 each leg
Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 45 sec and Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bicycles x 10-15 each side
Rest 20 seconds
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Rest 20 seconds
Ball Squats x 10 (hold 8-10lb dumbbells in each hand)
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 15 each leg
Rest 60 sec and Stretch pecs on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Hip Thrusts x 15
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12
Bicycles x 15 each side
Crunches x 15
Ball Squats x 15-20 (get these to burn so they help flush out your soreness)
Rest 30 sec
Rest 45 sec and Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15 each arm (use at least 8-10lbs today on these)
Rest 20 seconds
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Rest 20 seconds
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 15 (light weight and let the blood circulate through the muscles after having gone heavy on incline presses on Sunday)
Rest 20 sec
FFE Bodyweight Split Squat x 10 each leg (these may hurt especially bad today but doing them again will help your soreness go away quicker)
Rest 30 sec
Seated External Rotation x 10-12 each arm
Rest 10 sec
Light Dumbbell Step Ups x 15 each leg
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
EZ Bar Lying Tricep Extension x 10-15
EZ Bar Medium Grip Reverse Curls x 8-15
Rest 60 sec and Stretch pecs on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Hip Thrusts x 15
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12
Bicycles x 15 each side
Crunches x 15
Ball Squats x 15-20 (get these to burn so they help flush out your soreness)
Rest 30 sec
Rest 45 sec and Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15 each arm (use at least 8-10lbs today on these)
Rest 20 seconds
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Rest 20 seconds
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 15 (light weight and let the blood circulate through the muscles after having gone heavy on incline presses on Sunday)
Rest 20 sec
FFE Bodyweight Split Squat x 10 each leg (these may hurt especially bad today but doing them again will help your soreness go away quicker)
Rest 30 sec
Seated External Rotation x 10-12 each arm
Rest 10 sec
Light Dumbbell Step Ups x 15 each leg
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
EZ Bar Lying Tricep Extension x 10-15
EZ Bar Medium Grip Reverse Curls x 8-15
Rest 60 sec and Stretch pecs on bench
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 25
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12
Bicycles x 15 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
No rest
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Rest 20 seconds
Trap 3 Raise x 10-12
Rest 20 seconds
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 10 (heavier than usual)
Rest 20 sec
FFE Bodyweight Split Squat x 10 each leg
Rest 30 sec
Side Laterals x 15
Rest 10 sec
Ball Squats Bodyweight Only x 15
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 15
Standing Calf Raises x 20-25
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12
EZ Bar Lying Tricep Extension x 10-15
EZ Bar Medium Grip Reverse Curls x 8-15
Rest 60 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 25
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12
Bicycles x 15 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
No rest
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Rest 20 seconds
Trap 3 Raise x 10-12
Rest 20 seconds
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 10 (heavier than usual)
Rest 20 sec
FFE Bodyweight Split Squat x 10 each leg
Rest 30 sec
Side Laterals x 15
Rest 10 sec
Ball Squats Bodyweight Only x 15
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 15
Standing Calf Raises x 20-25
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12
EZ Bar Lying Tricep Extension x 10-15
EZ Bar Medium Grip Reverse Curls x 8-15
Rest 60 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Crunches x 25
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
No rest
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Bicycles x 15 each side
Plate Front Raise x 10-12
Rest 30 seconds
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Bench Press x 10 each arm
Rest 20 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 6-8 each leg (heavier weight today)
Rest 30 sec
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 10-12 each side
Rest 10 sec
Ball Squats Bodyweight Only x 20-25
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Side Laterals x 15-20
Standing Calf Raises x 20-25
Floor Cobra x 8
Rest 30 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
EZ Bar Lying Tricep Extension x 10-15
Rest 30 sec
EZ Bar Medium Grip Reverse Curls x 8-15
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Crunches x 25
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
No rest
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Bicycles x 15 each side
Plate Front Raise x 10-12
Rest 30 seconds
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Bench Press x 10 each arm
Rest 20 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 6-8 each leg (heavier weight today)
Rest 30 sec
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 10-12 each side
Rest 10 sec
Ball Squats Bodyweight Only x 20-25
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Side Laterals x 15-20
Standing Calf Raises x 20-25
Floor Cobra x 8
Rest 30 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
EZ Bar Lying Tricep Extension x 10-15
Rest 30 sec
EZ Bar Medium Grip Reverse Curls x 8-15
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 25
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15 each arm
Crunches x 20
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 12-15 each arm
Rest 30 seconds
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg (light weight today)
Rest 30 sec
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Ball Squats while holding dumbbells in hands x 12-15
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Row x 12-15
Rest 20 sec
Bench Plank x 30-40 sec
Rest 60 sec
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
EZ Bar Lying Tricep Extension x 10-15
Rest 30 sec
EZ Bar Medium Grip Reverse Curls x 8-15
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 25
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15 each arm
Crunches x 20
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 12-15 each arm
Rest 30 seconds
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10-12 each leg
Rest 90 sec and Stretch Hamstrings laying on ground with strap
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg (light weight today)
Rest 30 sec
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Ball Squats while holding dumbbells in hands x 12-15
Rest 45 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Row x 12-15
Rest 20 sec
Bench Plank x 30-40 sec
Rest 60 sec
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
EZ Bar Lying Tricep Extension x 10-15
Rest 30 sec
EZ Bar Medium Grip Reverse Curls x 8-15
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Rest 45 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
2 sets
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 12-15 each arm
Rest 30 seconds
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
2 sets
Dumbbell Step Ups x 8 each leg (increase weight today)
Rest 20 sec
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 13-15
Rest 20 sec
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 60 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 15-20 each arm
Rest 20 sec
Ball Squats x 20-25
Rest 60 sec
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuff x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Rest 45 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
2 sets
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 12-15 each arm
Rest 30 seconds
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
2 sets
Dumbbell Step Ups x 8 each leg (increase weight today)
Rest 20 sec
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 13-15
Rest 20 sec
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 60 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 15-20 each arm
Rest 20 sec
Ball Squats x 20-25
Rest 60 sec
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuff x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Hip Thrusts x 20
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
2 sets
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 12-15 each arm
Rest 30 seconds
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
2 sets
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Rest 20 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 8 each leg (increase weight today)
Rest 60 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Rest 20 sec
Ball Squats x 20-25
Rest 30 sec
Incline Dumbbell Press x 10-12
Rest 30 sec
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 13-15
Rest 30 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuff x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Dumbbell Front Squats x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Hip Thrusts x 20
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
2 sets
Seated Dumbbell External Rotation x 12-15 each arm
Rest 30 seconds
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
2 sets
1-leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Rest 20 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 8 each leg (increase weight today)
Rest 60 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll IT Bands x 60 sec
Roll Piriformis x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Rest 20 sec
Ball Squats x 20-25
Rest 30 sec
Incline Dumbbell Press x 10-12
Rest 30 sec
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 13-15
Rest 30 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuff x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Dumbbell Front Squats x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 30 seconds
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 30 seconds
2 sets
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg
Standing Calf Raises x 20
Rest 60 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 10-12
Rest 20 sec
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 20 sec
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 10-12
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Cable Rope Curls x 20-25
Rest 30 sec
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 30 sec
Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 30 seconds
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 30 seconds
2 sets
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg
Standing Calf Raises x 20
Rest 60 sec
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 10-12
Rest 20 sec
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 20 sec
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 10-12
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Cable Rope Curls x 20-25
Rest 30 sec
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 30 sec
Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Bird Dogs x 12 each side
Rest 30 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Rockups x 15
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 30 seconds
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 30 seconds
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 8-10
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 8-10
Rest 20 sec
Hip Thrusts x 25
Rest 20 sec
Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Rest 20 sec
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 20-25
Rest 30 sec
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 8 each leg
Rest 30 sec
Standing Hammer Curls x 20-25
Rest 30 sec
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 75 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Rockups x 15
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 30 seconds
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 30 seconds
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 8-10
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
No rest
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 8-10
Rest 20 sec
Hip Thrusts x 25
Rest 20 sec
Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Rest 20 sec
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
1 set
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 20-25
Rest 30 sec
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 8 each leg
Rest 30 sec
Standing Hammer Curls x 20-25
Rest 30 sec
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 75 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rear Laterals x 15
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuffs 60 sec
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Bench Plank x 20-40 sec
Rest 20 sec
Bosu Ball Crunches x 12-15
Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Rest 20 sec
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 8-10
Rest 30 sec
Ball Squats while holding dumbbells x 8-10
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 15-18
Rest 30 sec
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 8 each leg
Rest 30 sec
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 15-18 each arm
Rest 30 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bodyweight Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 75 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rear Laterals x 15
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuffs 60 sec
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Bench Plank x 20-40 sec
Rest 20 sec
Bosu Ball Crunches x 12-15
Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Rest 20 sec
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 8-10
Rest 30 sec
Ball Squats while holding dumbbells x 8-10
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 45 sec
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 15-18
Rest 30 sec
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 8 each leg
Rest 30 sec
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 15-18 each arm
Rest 30 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bodyweight Ball Squats x 15-20
Rest 75 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Bench Plank x 20-40 sec
Bird Dogs x 5 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
Don't skip this today :)
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuffs 60 sec
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Bosu Ball Crunches x 15-20
Rest 20 sec
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 30 sec
2 sets
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 45 sec
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
Rest 20 sec
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 25
Rest 75 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Bench Plank x 20-40 sec
Bird Dogs x 5 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
Don't skip this today :)
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuffs 60 sec
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Bosu Ball Crunches x 15-20
Rest 20 sec
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 30 sec
2 sets
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 45 sec
Seated Hammer Curls x 12-15
Rest 20 sec
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 25
Rest 75 sec
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60
Bird Dogs x 15 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
Don't skip this today :)
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuffs 60 sec
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
Floor Cobra x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Pullovers x 15
Rest 10 sec
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 15
Rest 30 sec
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Rest 10 sec
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Rest 10 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Dumbbell Upright Rows x 15
Ball Squats x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60
Bird Dogs x 15 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
Don't skip this today :)
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuffs 60 sec
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
Floor Cobra x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Pullovers x 15
Rest 10 sec
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 15
Rest 30 sec
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Rest 10 sec
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Rest 10 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Dumbbell Upright Rows x 15
Ball Squats x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuffs 60 sec
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Crunches x 25
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 12-15 each arm
Rest 30 sec
Floor Cobra x 12-15
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bicycles x 20 each side
Rest 10 sec
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bench Plank x 20-30 sec
Rest 10 sec
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Rest 10 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Ball Squats x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
Foam Roll any of the following that needs it: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
1 set
Roll Quads 60 sec
Roll Piriformis 60 sec
Roll Lats 60 sec
Roll Pecs 60 sec
Roll Rotator Cuffs 60 sec
Rest 60 sec
2 sets
Crunches x 25
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 12-15 each arm
Rest 30 sec
Floor Cobra x 12-15
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells x 60 sec
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bicycles x 20 each side
Rest 10 sec
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 12-15
Rest 30 sec
2 sets
Bench Plank x 20-30 sec
Rest 10 sec
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Rest 10 sec
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-15 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curls x 12-15
Ball Squats x 12-15
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 25
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 8 (go heavy)
Rest 10 sec
Overhead Dumbbell Press x 16
Rest 10 sec
Side Laterals x 30 (go very light)
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells x 60 sec
Rest 2 minutes and foam roll lats
2 sets
Rope Cable Upright Rows x 12-15
Bench Plank x 20-30 sec
Bodyweight Step Ups x 15 each leg
Rest 60-90 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Seated Hammer Curls x 15
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 10 each leg
Rest 90 sec and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 20
Calf Raises x 30
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 25
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 8 (go heavy)
Rest 10 sec
Overhead Dumbbell Press x 16
Rest 10 sec
Side Laterals x 30 (go very light)
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells x 60 sec
Rest 2 minutes and foam roll lats
2 sets
Rope Cable Upright Rows x 12-15
Bench Plank x 20-30 sec
Bodyweight Step Ups x 15 each leg
Rest 60-90 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Seated Hammer Curls x 15
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 10 each leg
Rest 90 sec and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 20
Calf Raises x 30
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Bicycles x 10 each side
Bird Dogs x 5 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 8 (go heavy)
Incline Dumbbell Row x 16
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 30 (go light)
Rest 3 minutes and foam roll calves and quads
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 20
Crunches x 15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 60-90 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-40 sec
Hip Thrusts x 25
Dumbbell Tricep Extension x 20
Rest 90 sec and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Standing Hammer Curls x 20
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Calf Raises x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Bicycles x 10 each side
Bird Dogs x 5 each side
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 8 (go heavy)
Incline Dumbbell Row x 16
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 30 (go light)
Rest 3 minutes and foam roll calves and quads
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 20
Crunches x 15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 60-90 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-40 sec
Hip Thrusts x 25
Dumbbell Tricep Extension x 20
Rest 90 sec and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Standing Hammer Curls x 20
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Calf Raises x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Bosu Ball Crunches x 10
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 8-12 (go heavier today)
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 60-90 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Row x 12-15
Ball Squats x 15
Rest 90 sec and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Dumbbell Upright Row x 10-12
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 5 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Floor Cobra x 8-10 reps
Crunches x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Calf Raises x 30
Rest 90 seconds
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Bosu Ball Crunches x 10
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 8-12 (go heavier today)
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Stretch Pecs with Dumbbells on Bench x 60 sec
Rest 60 seconds
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 60-90 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Row x 12-15
Ball Squats x 15
Rest 90 sec and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Dumbbell Upright Row x 10-12
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 5 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Floor Cobra x 8-10 reps
Crunches x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Calf Raises x 30
Rest 90 seconds
Upper Back Pain Aching Exercises
Exercises to engage the upper back postural muscles when you find it aching from hunching or leaning forward during the day:
Floor Cobra (for reps)
Floor Cobra (holding)
Rear Laterals
Low Incline Rear Laterals
Incline Dumbbell Rows
Rope Cable Upright Rows
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows
Stretch Pecs on Bench with Dumbbells
Exercises to engage the upper back postural muscles when you find it aching from hunching or leaning forward during the day:
Floor Cobra (for reps)
Floor Cobra (holding)
Rear Laterals
Low Incline Rear Laterals
Incline Dumbbell Rows
Rope Cable Upright Rows
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows
Stretch Pecs on Bench with Dumbbells
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Bodyweight Step Ups x 8 each
Rest 60-90 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 12-15
Standing Calf Raise x 20
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Bench Plank x 30-60 sec
Rest 90 sec and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 10-12
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Side Laterals x 15-20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Seated Hammer Curls x 15-20
Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15
Rest 90 seconds
Aerobic and Cooldown
Elliptical 15 min
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Bodyweight Step Ups x 8 each
Rest 60-90 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 12-15
Standing Calf Raise x 20
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Bench Plank x 30-60 sec
Rest 90 sec and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 10-12
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Side Laterals x 15-20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Seated Hammer Curls x 15-20
Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15
Rest 90 seconds
Aerobic and Cooldown
Elliptical 15 min
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 3 each side with a 5 second hold at the top of each rep
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Dumbbell Step Ups x 8 each
Standing Calf Raise x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Row x 12-15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-12
Bosu Ball Crunches x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 12-15
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 12-15
Rest 30 seconds
Aerobic and Cooldown
Elliptical 15 min
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 3 each side with a 5 second hold at the top of each rep
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Dumbbell Step Ups x 8 each
Standing Calf Raise x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Row x 12-15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-12
Bosu Ball Crunches x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 12-15
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 12-15
Rest 30 seconds
Aerobic and Cooldown
Elliptical 15 min
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15-20
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Hip Thrusts x 20
Standing Calf Raise x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Rockups x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each
Rest 30 seconds
2 sets
Dumbbell Snatch x 8-10 each arm
Side Laterals x 15-25
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Seated Hammer Curl x 15-20
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Ext x 15-20
Rest 30 seconds
Elliptical 15 min
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 1
Crunches x 15-20
Bird Dogs x 10 each side
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Hip Thrusts x 20
Standing Calf Raise x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Rockups x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each
Rest 30 seconds
2 sets
Dumbbell Snatch x 8-10 each arm
Side Laterals x 15-25
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll quads, calves, and piriformis
2 sets
Seated Hammer Curl x 15-20
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Ext x 15-20
Rest 30 seconds
Elliptical 15 min
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 25
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 30 seconds
2 sets
Plank on Floor x ALAP (as long as possible)
Hip Thrusts x 30, 40
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 15-20
Crunches x 15
Bodyweight Squats x 20
Standing Calf Raises x 30
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Seated Dumbbell Clean x 10 each arm
Rest 75 seconds and stretch calves and hamstrings
2 sets
Low Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15-20
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 60 seconds
Elliptical x 15 minutes
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 25
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 30 seconds
2 sets
Plank on Floor x ALAP (as long as possible)
Hip Thrusts x 30, 40
Rest 60 seconds and roll piriformis or quads
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 15-20
Crunches x 15
Bodyweight Squats x 20
Standing Calf Raises x 30
Rest 60 sec and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Seated Dumbbell Clean x 10 each arm
Rest 75 seconds and stretch calves and hamstrings
2 sets
Low Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15-20
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 60 seconds
Elliptical x 15 minutes
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Bench Plank x 45-60 sec
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 15-20
Side Laterals x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 5 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
One Leg Balance x 10 seconds each leg
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Calf Raises x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 90 sec and stretch calves
Light Cardio
5-10 min bike or elliptical
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly. Roll hips and pirirformis thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Bench Plank x 45-60 sec
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 15-20
Side Laterals x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 5 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
One Leg Balance x 10 seconds each leg
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Calf Raises x 20
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 90 sec and stretch calves
Light Cardio
5-10 min bike or elliptical
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly. Roll hips and pirirformis thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bench Plank x 45-60 sec
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Low Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15-20
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20 (these will feel harder than usual after the rear laterals)
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 5 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
One Leg Balance x 15 seconds each leg
Side Laterals x 15-20
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 5 each leg
Calf Raises x 30
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Crunches x 15
One Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 10 each arm
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 sec and stretch calves
Light Cardio
5-10 min bike or elliptical
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly. Roll hips and pirirformis thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bench Plank x 45-60 sec
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Low Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15-20
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20 (these will feel harder than usual after the rear laterals)
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 5 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
One Leg Balance x 15 seconds each leg
Side Laterals x 15-20
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 5 each leg
Calf Raises x 30
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Crunches x 15
One Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 10 each arm
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 sec and stretch calves
Light Cardio
5-10 min bike or elliptical
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly. Roll hips and pirirformis thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 15-20 each arm
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 5
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 10-12 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-20
Calf Raises x 20
Rest 90 sec and stretch calves
Light Cardio
5-10 min bike or elliptical
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly. Roll hips and pirirformis thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dogs x 8 each side
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 15-20 each arm
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 5
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 10-12 each leg
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-20
Calf Raises x 20
Rest 90 sec and stretch calves
Light Cardio
5-10 min bike or elliptical
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly. Roll hips and pirirformis thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Situps x 5
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 8-10 each side
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Plank on floor x 15-30 sec
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10-12 each leg
Calf Raises x 20
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 20-30 each arm
Rest 90 sec and stretch calves
Light Cardio
5-10 min bike or elliptical
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly. Roll hips and pirirformis thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Situps x 5
Crunches x 15
Bird Dogs x 8-10 each side
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll Quads, Stretch or Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Plank on floor x 15-30 sec
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Rest 60 sec and stretch or Roll Quads, Hamstrings, and piriformis
2 sets
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10-12 each leg
Calf Raises x 20
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 20-30 each arm
Rest 90 sec and stretch calves
Light Cardio
5-10 min bike or elliptical
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly. Roll hips and pirirformis thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15-20
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Dumbbell Snatch x 8 each arm
Calf Raises x 15-25
Bicycles x 15-20 each side
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg (try 5lbs in each hand today)
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60 sec
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
One Leg Balance + Standing Hammer Curls x 15-20 (do half the reps standing on one leg and the other half standing on the other leg)
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 20-25 (pause and squeeze at the top of each rep of the exercise on this one today)
Stretch pecs with Dumbbells x 60 sec
Rest 30-60 seconds
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15-20
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Dumbbell Snatch x 8 each arm
Calf Raises x 15-25
Bicycles x 15-20 each side
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg (try 5lbs in each hand today)
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60 sec
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
One Leg Balance + Standing Hammer Curls x 15-20 (do half the reps standing on one leg and the other half standing on the other leg)
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 20-25 (pause and squeeze at the top of each rep of the exercise on this one today)
Stretch pecs with Dumbbells x 60 sec
Rest 30-60 seconds
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Crunches x 15-20
Bench Plank x 30-60 sec
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg (try 5lbs in each hand today)
Calf Raises x 15-25
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Dumbbell Snatch x 8 each arm
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Row x 15-20
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
One Leg Balance + Side Laterals x 15-20 (do half the reps standing on one leg and the other half standing on the other leg)
Dumbbell Pullovers x 15
Stretch pecs with Dumbbells x 60 sec
Rest 30-60 seconds
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Crunches x 15-20
Bench Plank x 30-60 sec
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10 each leg (try 5lbs in each hand today)
Calf Raises x 15-25
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Dumbbell Snatch x 8 each arm
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Row x 15-20
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
One Leg Balance + Side Laterals x 15-20 (do half the reps standing on one leg and the other half standing on the other leg)
Dumbbell Pullovers x 15
Stretch pecs with Dumbbells x 60 sec
Rest 30-60 seconds
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Weekend of 8/9/20
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Floor Cobra x 8
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Side Laterals x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
One Leg Balance + Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 16-20 (do half of the reps standing on one leg and then the other half standing on the other leg)
Rear Laterals x 15-20
Stretch pecs with Dumbbells x 60 sec
Rest 30-60 seconds
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Floor Cobra x 8
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Side Laterals x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
One Leg Balance + Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 16-20 (do half of the reps standing on one leg and then the other half standing on the other leg)
Rear Laterals x 15-20
Stretch pecs with Dumbbells x 60 sec
Rest 30-60 seconds
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15-20
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 15-20
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 15-20
Crunches x 15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
1- leg balance x 20 seconds each leg
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Tricep Rope Pushdown x 25-30
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Rope Upright Rows x 15-20
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 8 each leg
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15-20
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 15-20
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 15-20
Crunches x 15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
1- leg balance x 20 seconds each leg
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Tricep Rope Pushdown x 25-30
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Rope Upright Rows x 15-20
Stationary Lunge Pulse x 8 each leg
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press x 15-20
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 15-20 each arm
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Dumbbell Pullovers x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Calf Raises x 20-25
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Dumbbell Front Raises x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press x 15-20
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 15-20 each arm
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Crunches x 15
Dumbbell Pullovers x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Calf Raises x 20-25
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Dumbbell Front Raises x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 15-20
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 15-20
Bosu Ball Crunches x 10-15
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 15-20
Side Laterals x 20-25
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Vacuums x 2
Crunches x 15
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 15-20
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 15-20
Bosu Ball Crunches x 10-15
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 15-20
Side Laterals x 20-25
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-60 seconds
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Bosu Ball Crunches x 10-15
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Side Laterals x 20-25
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-45 seconds
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12 each leg
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Bosu Ball Crunches x 10-15
Dumbbell Front Squats x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Side Laterals x 20-25
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-45 seconds
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2-6 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
1 set
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Bosu Ball Crunches x 10-15
Rope Cable Tricep Pushdowns x 20-25
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Bench Plank x 15-30 seconds
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
1 set
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2-5 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
1 set
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Bosu Ball Crunches x 10-15
Rope Cable Tricep Pushdowns x 20-25
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Bench Plank x 15-30 seconds
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
1 set
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 15-20
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2-5 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Hotel Room Workout
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Rest 2 minutes and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Floor Cobra x 5-7
Rear Laterals without weights x 15-25
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-45 seconds (use a couch or the hotel bed or whatever is available rather than the bench)
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Side Laterals x 20-30 without weights
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
Hotel Room Workout
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Rest 2 minutes and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Floor Cobra x 5-7
Rear Laterals without weights x 15-25
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Bench Plank x 30-45 seconds (use a couch or the hotel bed or whatever is available rather than the bench)
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Side Laterals x 20-30 without weights
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
Hotel Room Workout
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 2 minutes and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Rear Laterals without weights x 20-25
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows using a light duffle bag or purse x 15-20 each arm
Crunches x 20
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Bench Plank x 15-30 seconds (use a couch or the hotel bed or whatever is available rather than the bench)
Bodyweight Squats x 8
Rest 90 seconds
Hotel Room Workout
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 2 minutes and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Rear Laterals without weights x 20-25
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows using a light duffle bag or purse x 15-20 each arm
Crunches x 20
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
2 sets
Bench Plank x 15-30 seconds (use a couch or the hotel bed or whatever is available rather than the bench)
Bodyweight Squats x 8
Rest 90 seconds
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
1 set
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Rope Cable Tricep Pushdowns x 20-25
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Bench Plank x 15-30 seconds (if this is possible without pain)
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2-5 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2 sets
Crunches x 20
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10 each leg
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2 sets
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
1 set
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Crunches x 25
Rope Cable Tricep Pushdowns x 20-25
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
2 sets
Bench Plank x 15-30 seconds (if this is possible without pain)
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2-5 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2-3 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2-3 sets
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 20-25
Bench Plank x 15-30 seconds (if this is possible without pain)
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2-3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 20-25
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Standing Hammer Curls x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2-5 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves
2-3 sets
Crunches x 20
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 2 minutes and Roll Quads and Stretch Calves
2-3 sets
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press x 20-25
Bench Plank x 15-30 seconds (if this is possible without pain)
Bodyweight Squats x 12
Rest 90 seconds and Roll inner Thigh or Stretch Hamstrings with Leg Up
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2-3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 20-25
Rear Laterals x 20-25
Standing Hammer Curls x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and Roll IT Bands or Inner Thighs and Stretch Quads or stretch pecs with dumbbells between each set
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 each leg (try more weight than last time today)
Rest 90 seconds
2-5 minutes on the elliptical at a slow easy pace
Foam Roll: Inner Thigh, Calves
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 20-25
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 20-15
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll inner thigh
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Seated Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch pecs
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll calves
3 sets
Ball Squats x 15
Side Laterals x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch hamstrings with leg up
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll calves
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 4-10 minutes
Foam Roll: Inner Thigh, Calves
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 20-25
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 20-15
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll inner thigh
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch hamstrings with leg up
2 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Seated Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch pecs
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll calves
3 sets
Ball Squats x 15
Side Laterals x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch hamstrings with leg up
1 set
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll calves
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 4-10 minutes
Foam Roll: Inner Thigh, Calves
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 15-20
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll inner thigh
2 sets
Crunches x 15-20 (if neck is ok for these now)
Bird Dog x 8 each side (if neck is ok for these now)
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch pecs
3 sets
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg without weight
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 20-25
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch hamstrings with leg up
3 sets
Bodyweight Step Ups x15-20 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 4-10 minutes
Foam Roll: Inner Thigh, Calves
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 15-20
Standing Calf Raises x 15
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll inner thigh
2 sets
Crunches x 15-20 (if neck is ok for these now)
Bird Dog x 8 each side (if neck is ok for these now)
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch pecs
3 sets
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg without weight
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 20-25
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch hamstrings with leg up
3 sets
Bodyweight Step Ups x15-20 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 4-10 minutes
Foam Roll: Inner Thigh, Calves
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 20-25
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 20 (if it feels ok to do these)
Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll inner thigh
3 sets
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg without weight
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 25-30
Rope Curls x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch hamstrings
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 2-10 minutes
Rest 2 minutes
3 sets
Bodyweight Step Ups x15-20 left leg
Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 20-25
Bodyweight Step Ups x15-20 right leg
Rest 90-120 seconds
Foam Roll: Inner Thigh, Calves
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 20-25
One Arm Dumbbell Row x 20 (if it feels ok to do these)
Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll inner thigh
3 sets
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg without weight
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 25-30
Rope Curls x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and stretch hamstrings
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 2-10 minutes
Rest 2 minutes
3 sets
Bodyweight Step Ups x15-20 left leg
Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 20-25
Bodyweight Step Ups x15-20 right leg
Rest 90-120 seconds
Foam Roll: Inner Thigh, Calves
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 20-25
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 20-30
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll inner thigh
3 sets
Side Laterals x 20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 25-30
Bodyweight Step Ups x15-20 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
3 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 2-10 minutes
Foam Roll: Inner Thigh, Calves
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 20-25
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 20-30
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll inner thigh
3 sets
Side Laterals x 20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 25-30
Bodyweight Step Ups x15-20 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
3 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 2-10 minutes
Foam Roll: Inner Thigh, Calves
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 20-25
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 20-30
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll inner thigh
3 sets
Side Laterals x 20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 25-30
Bodyweight Step Ups x15-20 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
3 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 2-10 minutes
Foam Roll: Inner Thigh, Calves
Stretch: Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 20-25
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 20-30
Calf Raises x 20-25
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll inner thigh
3 sets
Side Laterals x 20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 25-30
Bodyweight Step Ups x15-20 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
3 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 2-10 minutes
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Side Laterals x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 20-25
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
3 sets
Seated Hammer Curls x 20-30
Calf Raises x 20-30
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 2-10 minutes
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Side Laterals x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 20-25
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
3 sets
Seated Hammer Curls x 20-30
Calf Raises x 20-30
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 2-10 minutes
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 20
Crunches x 15
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift (bodyweight only) x 8 each leg
Side Laterals x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 20-25
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Seated Hammer Curls x 20-30
Calf Raises x 20-30
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-25
Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch calves
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 2-10 minutes
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 20
Crunches x 15
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift (bodyweight only) x 8 each leg
Side Laterals x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 20-25
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10-15 each leg
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Seated Hammer Curls x 20-30
Calf Raises x 20-30
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-25
Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch calves
1 set only
Elliptical at a slow pace for 2-10 minutes
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bird Dog x 12 each side
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 15-20
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldown x 15-20
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Elliptical x 3 minutes
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-25
Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch calves
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bird Dog x 12 each side
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 15-20
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldown x 15-20
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Elliptical x 3 minutes
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-25
Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch calves
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 5
Crunches x 15
Bodyweight Squats x 5
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 5
Rest 90 seconds
3 sets
Overhead Dumbbell Press x 10
Incline Dumbbell Row x 10
Crunches x 15
Rest 90 seconds
3 sets
Rear Laterals x 15-20 seconds
Side Laterals x 15-20 seconds
Hip Thrusts x 15-20 seconds
Rest 90 seconds
2-3 sets
Elliptical x 90 seconds
Rest 90 seconds
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly. Roll hips and pirirformis thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 5
Crunches x 15
Bodyweight Squats x 5
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 5
Rest 90 seconds
3 sets
Overhead Dumbbell Press x 10
Incline Dumbbell Row x 10
Crunches x 15
Rest 90 seconds
3 sets
Rear Laterals x 15-20 seconds
Side Laterals x 15-20 seconds
Hip Thrusts x 15-20 seconds
Rest 90 seconds
2-3 sets
Elliptical x 90 seconds
Rest 90 seconds
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly. Roll hips and pirirformis thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Pec Stretch x 45 sec
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 15-20
Incline Dumbbell Row x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Side Laterals x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll IT Bands or inner thighs
1 set
Elliptical x 3-4 minutes (go easy and just let your blood circulate)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch or just walk around slowly to recovery
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch calves
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Pec Stretch x 45 sec
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 15-20
Incline Dumbbell Row x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Side Laterals x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll IT Bands or inner thighs
1 set
Elliptical x 3-4 minutes (go easy and just let your blood circulate)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch or just walk around slowly to recovery
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch calves
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
Today we want to facilitate recovery more than anything. We will do alot of the same exercises to loosen and circulate the blood in those sore muscles, but keep it light and easy. We want a burn, but definitely don't go over the top straining today.
2 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 15-20
Wide Grip Pulldown x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Standing Rear Laterals x 15-20
Stretch Pecs on Bench x 45 seconds
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll IT Bands or inner thighs
2 sets
Elliptical x 3 minutes (go easy and just let your blood circulate)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch or just walk around slowly to recovery
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch calves
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
Today we want to facilitate recovery more than anything. We will do alot of the same exercises to loosen and circulate the blood in those sore muscles, but keep it light and easy. We want a burn, but definitely don't go over the top straining today.
2 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 15-20
Wide Grip Pulldown x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Standing Rear Laterals x 15-20
Stretch Pecs on Bench x 45 seconds
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll IT Bands or inner thighs
2 sets
Elliptical x 3 minutes (go easy and just let your blood circulate)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch or just walk around slowly to recovery
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Standing Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch calves
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
Keep all exercises very light and we are focusing on high reps rather than high weights
2 sets
Bird Dog x 12 each side
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldown x 15-20
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Elliptical x 2 minutes
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-25
Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch calves
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
Keep all exercises very light and we are focusing on high reps rather than high weights
2 sets
Bird Dog x 12 each side
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 15-20
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldown x 15-20
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 15-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Elliptical x 2 minutes
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
Standing Calf Raises x 15-25
Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch calves
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bird Dog x 12 each side
Crunches x 15-20
Broomstick Good Morning x 15
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 10-15
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Rope Cable Upright Row x 10-15
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 10-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-15
Seated Hammer Curls x 10-15
Calf Raises x 10-20
Rest 90 seconds and quickly roll lats, rotator cuffs, pecs, or triceps if any are tight
2 sets
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bird Dog x 12 each side
Crunches x 15-20
Broomstick Good Morning x 15
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 10-15
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Rope Cable Upright Row x 10-15
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 10-20
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-15
Seated Hammer Curls x 10-15
Calf Raises x 10-20
Rest 90 seconds and quickly roll lats, rotator cuffs, pecs, or triceps if any are tight
2 sets
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 12 each side
Crunches x 15-20
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldown x 12-15
Overhead Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Side Laterals x10-12
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 12-15
Rest 90 seconds and quickly roll lats, rotator cuffs, pecs, or triceps if any are tight
2 sets
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 12 each side
Crunches x 15-20
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldown x 12-15
Overhead Dumbbell Press x 12-15
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Side Laterals x10-12
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 12-15
Rest 90 seconds and quickly roll lats, rotator cuffs, pecs, or triceps if any are tight
2 sets
Ball Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 12 each side
Crunches x 20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 13-15
Incline Dumbbell Press x 13-15
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Front Raises x 10-12
Rope Cable Tricep Extension x 15
Rope Cable Curls x 13-15
Rest 90 seconds and quickly roll lats, rotator cuffs, pecs, or triceps if any are tight
2-3 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Roll on PVC pipe: Triceps
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 12 each side
Crunches x 20
Rest 90 seconds and stretch or foam roll quads and piriformis
2 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 13-15
Incline Dumbbell Press x 13-15
Rest 90-120 seconds and foam roll lats
2 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Front Raises x 10-12
Rope Cable Tricep Extension x 15
Rope Cable Curls x 13-15
Rest 90 seconds and quickly roll lats, rotator cuffs, pecs, or triceps if any are tight
2-3 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds
Roll IT bands and quads thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Crunches x 10
Bodyweight Squats x 20
Rest 2 min and stretch and roll piriformis, hams, hips, and calves.
3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 8-10
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 8-10 each arm
Situps x 5-10
Rockups x 10
Calf Raises x 20
Rest 60 seconds
3 sets
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each side
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 30
Crunches x 25 reps
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
60 second sprint on Elliptical
Rest 2 min and stretch quads, calves, hamstrings
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 8 each side
Crunches x 10
Bodyweight Squats x 20
Rest 2 min and stretch and roll piriformis, hams, hips, and calves.
3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 8-10
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 8-10 each arm
Situps x 5-10
Rockups x 10
Calf Raises x 20
Rest 60 seconds
3 sets
One Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 each side
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 30
Crunches x 25 reps
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15
Rest 90 seconds
2 sets
60 second sprint on Elliptical
Rest 2 min and stretch quads, calves, hamstrings
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each
Weighted Crunches x 20-25
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 90 seconds piriformis, quads, hamstrings, or lats
3 sets
Dumbbell Flyes x 10-12
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10
Dumbbell Pullovers x 15
Calf raises x 15
Rest 90 seconds and roll piriformis, quads, hamstrings, or lats
2 sets
60 second Elliptical Sprint
Rest 90 seconds and stretch quads, calves, hamstrings
2 sets
Standing Hammer Curls x 20 while standing on one leg
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 8-10 each leg
Rest 90 seconds
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each
Weighted Crunches x 20-25
Hip Thrusts x 20
Rest 90 seconds piriformis, quads, hamstrings, or lats
3 sets
Dumbbell Flyes x 10-12
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10
Dumbbell Pullovers x 15
Calf raises x 15
Rest 90 seconds and roll piriformis, quads, hamstrings, or lats
2 sets
60 second Elliptical Sprint
Rest 90 seconds and stretch quads, calves, hamstrings
2 sets
Standing Hammer Curls x 20 while standing on one leg
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15
Dumbbell Step Ups x 8-10 each leg
Rest 90 seconds
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Weighted Crunches x 20-25
Hip Thrusts x 20
Dumbbell Pullovers x 15
Rest 90 seconds piriformis, quads, hamstrings, or lats
3 sets
Knee Pushups x 7-12 reps
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15 reps (this is a very light exercise)
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 20 (these will feel super weak today)
Bodyweight Squats x 12-20
Rest 90 seconds and roll piriformis, quads, hamstrings, or lats
1 set
60 second Elliptical Sprint
Rest 90 seconds and stretch quads, calves, hamstrings
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Tricep Ext x 20-25 (go very light on these today)
Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 20-25 (go very light on these today)
Calf raises x 15
Rest 90 seconds
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Weighted Crunches x 20-25
Hip Thrusts x 20
Dumbbell Pullovers x 15
Rest 90 seconds piriformis, quads, hamstrings, or lats
3 sets
Knee Pushups x 7-12 reps
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 15 reps (this is a very light exercise)
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 20 (these will feel super weak today)
Bodyweight Squats x 12-20
Rest 90 seconds and roll piriformis, quads, hamstrings, or lats
1 set
60 second Elliptical Sprint
Rest 90 seconds and stretch quads, calves, hamstrings
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Tricep Ext x 20-25 (go very light on these today)
Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 20-25 (go very light on these today)
Calf raises x 15
Rest 90 seconds
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Bird Dog x 15 each side
Crunches x 30
Hip Thrusts x 15
Calf Raises x 15
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
2 Sets
90 seconds Elliptical light sprint
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 12-15
Situps x 5
Rope Cable Curls x 15-20
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10-12 each
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2-3 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
One Leg Balance x 10 seconds each leg
Dumbbell Upright Rows x 12-15
Stretch Pecs x 30-45 seconds
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Bird Dog x 15 each side
Crunches x 30
Hip Thrusts x 15
Calf Raises x 15
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
2 Sets
90 seconds Elliptical light sprint
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 12-15
Situps x 5
Rope Cable Curls x 15-20
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Bodyweight Step Ups x 10-12 each
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2-3 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
One Leg Balance x 10 seconds each leg
Dumbbell Upright Rows x 12-15
Stretch Pecs x 30-45 seconds
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Cobra (holding) x 20 sec
Crunches x 30
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
3 sets
Step Ups x 6-8 each
Calf Raises x 15
One Leg Balance x 10 seconds each leg
Ball Squat x 15
Calf Raises x 15
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 Sets
45 seconds Elliptical sprint
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
3 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Rope Upright Rows x 10-12
Side Laterals x 10-12
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-20
Standing Hammer Curls x 12-20
Stretch Pecs x 30-45 seconds
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Cobra (holding) x 20 sec
Crunches x 30
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
3 sets
Step Ups x 6-8 each
Calf Raises x 15
One Leg Balance x 10 seconds each leg
Ball Squat x 15
Calf Raises x 15
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 Sets
45 seconds Elliptical sprint
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
3 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 12-15
Rope Upright Rows x 10-12
Side Laterals x 10-12
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-20
Standing Hammer Curls x 12-20
Stretch Pecs x 30-45 seconds
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 13-15
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Crunches x 30
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
3 sets
One Leg Balance x 10-15 seconds each leg
Dumbbell Front Squat x 10-12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 20 each arm (use a lighter weight than usual this time of course)
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
1 Set
5 minutes Elliptical at a smooth steady sustainable pace
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
3 sets
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-15
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 20-25 (use a lighter weight than usual of course)
Bodyweight Calf Raise x 25
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or stretch pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 13-15
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Crunches x 30
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
3 sets
One Leg Balance x 10-15 seconds each leg
Dumbbell Front Squat x 10-12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 20 each arm (use a lighter weight than usual this time of course)
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
1 Set
5 minutes Elliptical at a smooth steady sustainable pace
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
3 sets
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 12-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-15
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 20-25 (use a lighter weight than usual of course)
Bodyweight Calf Raise x 25
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or stretch pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Rope Cable Crunches x 12-15 reps
Crunches x 15
Hip Thrusts x 10-15
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
3 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 12
Knee Pushups x 5
Dumbbell Front Raises x 15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 20
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 sets
Situps x 5 (if possible). Give these a try for the first time today and see how it goes. Throw your arms to generate momentum as I demonstrate in the video. this will make it more likely that you can do them. If you can't get them yet, no worries, just move on to the next exercise. But let's give them a try :)
Pushup Position x 15-30 seconds (IF your foot is up to it...if not, on knees is still fine of course)
Bodyweight Calf Raise x 15
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
2 Sets
60 second Elliptical "Sprints" (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 60 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Rope Cable Crunches x 12-15 reps
Crunches x 15
Hip Thrusts x 10-15
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
3 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 12
Knee Pushups x 5
Dumbbell Front Raises x 15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 20
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 sets
Situps x 5 (if possible). Give these a try for the first time today and see how it goes. Throw your arms to generate momentum as I demonstrate in the video. this will make it more likely that you can do them. If you can't get them yet, no worries, just move on to the next exercise. But let's give them a try :)
Pushup Position x 15-30 seconds (IF your foot is up to it...if not, on knees is still fine of course)
Bodyweight Calf Raise x 15
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
2 Sets
60 second Elliptical "Sprints" (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 60 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Bodyweight Crunches x 15-20
Dumbbell Front Squat x 10-15
Bodyweight Calf Raise x 15-20
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
3 sets
Flat Flyes x 15 reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Side Laterals x 15 reps
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 sets
Situps x 5 (if possible). Give these a try for the first time today and see how it goes. Throw your arms to generate momentum as I demonstrate in the video. this will make it more likely that you can do them. If you can't get them yet, no worries, just move on to the next exercise. But let's give them a try :)
Pushup Position x 15-30 seconds (IF your foot is up to it...if not, on knees is still fine of course)
Crunches x 15-20
Bodyweight Squat x 10
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
2 Sets
60 second Elliptical "Sprints" (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 60 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Bodyweight Crunches x 15-20
Dumbbell Front Squat x 10-15
Bodyweight Calf Raise x 15-20
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
3 sets
Flat Flyes x 15 reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Side Laterals x 15 reps
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 sets
Situps x 5 (if possible). Give these a try for the first time today and see how it goes. Throw your arms to generate momentum as I demonstrate in the video. this will make it more likely that you can do them. If you can't get them yet, no worries, just move on to the next exercise. But let's give them a try :)
Pushup Position x 15-30 seconds (IF your foot is up to it...if not, on knees is still fine of course)
Crunches x 15-20
Bodyweight Squat x 10
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
2 Sets
60 second Elliptical "Sprints" (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 60 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 10-12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-12
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 Sets
Elliptical "Sprints" x 30 seconds (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 30 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
3 sets
Bodyweight Calf Raises x 15-25 reps
Bodyweight Squat x 10-15
Rope Cable Curls x 15-20
Rope Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
3 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Bodyweight Crunches x 20-30
One Leg Balance x 20 seconds each leg
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 10-12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-12
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 Sets
Elliptical "Sprints" x 30 seconds (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 30 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
3 sets
Bodyweight Calf Raises x 15-25 reps
Bodyweight Squat x 10-15
Rope Cable Curls x 15-20
Rope Tricep Extensions x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
3 sets
Bird Dog x 10 each side
Bodyweight Crunches x 20-30
One Leg Balance x 20 seconds each leg
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Side Laterals x 15
Standing Hammer Curls x 12-15
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 sets
Dumbbell Front Squat x 10-15
Bodyweight Calf Raises x 15-25 reps
Bodyweight Squat x 10-15
Dumbbell Pullovers x 13-15
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
3 sets
Dumbbell Bench Press x 13-15
One Leg Balance x 20 seconds each leg
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15 each
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
3 Sets
Elliptical "Sprints" x 30 seconds (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 30 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Side Laterals x 15
Standing Hammer Curls x 12-15
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 sets
Dumbbell Front Squat x 10-15
Bodyweight Calf Raises x 15-25 reps
Bodyweight Squat x 10-15
Dumbbell Pullovers x 13-15
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
3 sets
Dumbbell Bench Press x 13-15
One Leg Balance x 20 seconds each leg
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15 each
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
3 Sets
Elliptical "Sprints" x 30 seconds (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 30 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 12-15
Rope Cable Upright Rows x 13-15
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10-12
Bodyweight Calf Raises x 15-25 reps
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 13-15
Dumbbell Pullovers x 13-15
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 10-12
Dumbbell Front Raises x 10
Side Laterals x 10 (these will burn very badly - push through)
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 13-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 13-15 reps
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
2 Sets
Elliptical "Sprints" x 60 seconds (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 60 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 12-15
Rope Cable Upright Rows x 13-15
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
2 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10-12
Bodyweight Calf Raises x 15-25 reps
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 13-15
Dumbbell Pullovers x 13-15
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
2 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rear Laterals x 10-12
Dumbbell Front Raises x 10
Side Laterals x 10 (these will burn very badly - push through)
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 13-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 13-15 reps
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
2 Sets
Elliptical "Sprints" x 60 seconds (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 60 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 8-12
Weighted Crunches x 25
Bodyweight Calf Raises x 15-25 reps
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
3 sets
Bench Plank x 20-40 seconds (replace with plank on knees like you've been doing)
Bicycles x 10-15 each side
Incline Dumbbell Press x 13-15
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 13-15
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
2 Sets
Elliptical "Sprints" x 60 seconds (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 60 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
2 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 13-15 (use light weight and focus on the range of motion)
Bodyweight Hip Thrusts x 15-25
Standing Hammer Curls x 13-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 20-25 reps (use light weight so that you can do all of the reps)
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
2 sets
Bodyweight Squats x 8-12
Weighted Crunches x 25
Bodyweight Calf Raises x 15-25 reps
Rest 90 seconds and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
3 sets
Bench Plank x 20-40 seconds (replace with plank on knees like you've been doing)
Bicycles x 10-15 each side
Incline Dumbbell Press x 13-15
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 13-15
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
2 Sets
Elliptical "Sprints" x 60 seconds (basically pick a challenging resistance and just push as hard as you can on the elliptical for 60 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
2 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers x 13-15 (use light weight and focus on the range of motion)
Bodyweight Hip Thrusts x 15-25
Standing Hammer Curls x 13-15
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 20-25 reps (use light weight so that you can do all of the reps)
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or rotator cuffs and stretch lats or pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
4 sets
Crunches x 25
Walking Bodyweight Lunges x 4-6 each leg
Bodyweight Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds minutes and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
3 sets
Knee Pushups x AMAP
One Arm Dumbbell Row (aka one arm duffle bag row :)) x 8-15 each arm
One leg balance x 15 seconds each leg
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
3 sets
Rear Laterals x 15-25 (no weights, hands only)
Side Laterals x 15-25 (no weights, hands only)
Bodyweight Squats x 10-20 reps
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or quads and stretch lats or pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
4 sets
Crunches x 25
Walking Bodyweight Lunges x 4-6 each leg
Bodyweight Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds minutes and roll and stretch: piriformis, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and side of hips
3 sets
Knee Pushups x AMAP
One Arm Dumbbell Row (aka one arm duffle bag row :)) x 8-15 each arm
One leg balance x 15 seconds each leg
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, calves, and/or pecs
3 sets
Rear Laterals x 15-25 (no weights, hands only)
Side Laterals x 15-25 (no weights, hands only)
Bodyweight Squats x 10-20 reps
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats or pecs or quads and stretch lats or pecs
Roll side of hips, Quads, and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Crunches x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll piriformis, side of hip, and quad
3 sets
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Cobras x 5-7
Side Laterals with just your hands (no weights) x 25-30 reps
Calf Raises x 12-20 reps
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats and rotator cuffs
3 sets
Bench Plank x 20-40 seconds
One Leg Balance x 15-20 seconds each leg
Walking bodyweight Lunges x 4-6 each leg
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats and rotator cuffs
Roll side of hips and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Crunches x 15-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll piriformis, side of hip, and quad
3 sets
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Cobras x 5-7
Side Laterals with just your hands (no weights) x 25-30 reps
Calf Raises x 12-20 reps
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats and rotator cuffs
3 sets
Bench Plank x 20-40 seconds
One Leg Balance x 15-20 seconds each leg
Walking bodyweight Lunges x 4-6 each leg
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats and rotator cuffs
Roll side of hips and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Crunches x 15-20
Hip Thrusts x 12-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll piriformis, side of hip, and quad
3 sets
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Cobras x 5-10
Crunches x 10-15
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats and rotator cuffs
3 sets
One Leg Balance x 15-20 seconds each leg
Calf Raises x 12-20 reps
Side Laterals with weights x 25-30 reps
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats and rotator cuffs
Roll side of hips and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Crunches x 15-20
Hip Thrusts x 12-20
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and Roll piriformis, side of hip, and quad
3 sets
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Cobras x 5-10
Crunches x 10-15
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats and rotator cuffs
3 sets
One Leg Balance x 15-20 seconds each leg
Calf Raises x 12-20 reps
Side Laterals with weights x 25-30 reps
Rest 90 sec and Roll lats and rotator cuffs
Roll side of hips and IT bands thoroughly.
Roll: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Stretch Calves, Hamstrings with leg up, and quads on swiss ball
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-15
Crunches x 15-20
Bodyweight Squat x 10-12
Pec Stretch with Dumbbells x 45-60 sec
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll lats, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
2-3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-12
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10-12
Cable Rope Curls x 10-12
Rest 2 min and foam roll quads, roll lats, roll piriformis, or stretch hamstrings during rest period.
2-3 sets
Cable Rope Upright Row x 10-12
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Cable Rope Pushdowns x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll lats, roll priformis, roll calves, stretch calves, stretch pecs.
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-15
Crunches x 15-20
Bodyweight Squat x 10-12
Pec Stretch with Dumbbells x 45-60 sec
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll lats, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
2-3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-12
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10-12
Cable Rope Curls x 10-12
Rest 2 min and foam roll quads, roll lats, roll piriformis, or stretch hamstrings during rest period.
2-3 sets
Cable Rope Upright Row x 10-12
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Cable Rope Pushdowns x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll lats, roll priformis, roll calves, stretch calves, stretch pecs.
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Crunches x 15-20
Pec Stretch with Dumbbells x 45-60 sec
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll lats, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
2-3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 13-15
Bodyweight Squats x10
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 12-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll quads, roll lats, roll piriformis, or stretch hamstrings during rest period.
2-3 sets
Bench Plank x 30-45 sec
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-15 each arm
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll lats, roll priformis, roll calves, stretch calves, stretch pecs.
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Crunches x 15-20
Pec Stretch with Dumbbells x 45-60 sec
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll lats, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
2-3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 13-15
Bodyweight Squats x10
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 12-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll quads, roll lats, roll piriformis, or stretch hamstrings during rest period.
2-3 sets
Bench Plank x 30-45 sec
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-15 each arm
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll lats, roll priformis, roll calves, stretch calves, stretch pecs.
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Hip Thrusts x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Dumbbell Pullovers x 10-15
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll lats, roll piriformis, or roll and stretch pecs during rest period.
2-3 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10
Dumbbell Front Raise x 8-10
Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads, stretch hamstrings.
2-3 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-15 each arm
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-15
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 2 min and foam roll lats, roll calves, stretch calves, stretch pecs.
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Hip Thrusts x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Dumbbell Pullovers x 10-15
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll lats, roll piriformis, or roll and stretch pecs during rest period.
2-3 sets
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift x 10
Dumbbell Front Raise x 8-10
Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads, stretch hamstrings.
2-3 sets
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-15 each arm
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-15
Standing Calf Raises x 15-20
Rest 2 min and foam roll lats, roll calves, stretch calves, stretch pecs.
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Dumbbell Front Squat x 8
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll lats, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
2-3 sets
Dumbbell Front Raise x 8-10
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-15
Rope Cable Curls 12-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
2-3 sets
Knee Pushups (these will likely feel significantly weaker than usual today) x AMAP
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Dumbbell Front Squat x 8
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Crunches x 15-20
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll lats, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
2-3 sets
Dumbbell Front Raise x 8-10
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-15
Rope Cable Curls 12-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
2-3 sets
Knee Pushups (these will likely feel significantly weaker than usual today) x AMAP
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-12
Stretch pecs with dumbbells x 30-60 sec
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll lats, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
2-3 sets
Crunches x 15--20
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 10-15
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
2-3 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
2-3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-12
Stretch pecs with dumbbells x 30-60 sec
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll lats, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
2-3 sets
Crunches x 15--20
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 10-15
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
2-3 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bicycles x 10-15 each side
Rope Cable Upright Rows x 10-12
Stretch pecs with dumbbells x 30-60 sec
Rest 60-90 sec and foam roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
3 sets
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 10-15
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
3 sets
Bench Plank x 20-30 seconds
Crunches x 10-15
Dumbbell Front Raise x 8-12
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, and/or piriformis and stretch hamstrings and/or calves
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Quick Roll of any of the following depending on what's tight:
Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Lats. Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Stretch hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bicycles x 10-15 each side
Rope Cable Upright Rows x 10-12
Stretch pecs with dumbbells x 30-60 sec
Rest 60-90 sec and foam roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
3 sets
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 10-15
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
3 sets
Bench Plank x 20-30 seconds
Crunches x 10-15
Dumbbell Front Raise x 8-12
Rest 90 seconds and roll lats, and/or piriformis and stretch hamstrings and/or calves
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
Today will be somewhat on the easier side since its your first day back after the holiday.
3 sets
Weighted Crunches x 25
Incline Dumbbell Press x 10-15
Stretch pecs with dumbbells x 30-60 sec
Rest 60-90 sec and foam roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
3 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
3 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 10-15
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Side Laterals x 8-12
Rest 90 seconds and roll rotator cuff, pecs, lats, and/or piriformis and stretch hamstrings and/or calves
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
Today will be somewhat on the easier side since its your first day back after the holiday.
3 sets
Weighted Crunches x 25
Incline Dumbbell Press x 10-15
Stretch pecs with dumbbells x 30-60 sec
Rest 60-90 sec and foam roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, or roll pecs during rest period.
3 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 2 min and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll piriformis, roll quads.
3 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 10-15
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Side Laterals x 8-12
Rest 90 seconds and roll rotator cuff, pecs, lats, and/or piriformis and stretch hamstrings and/or calves
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff.
Stretch Hamstrings with leg up and stretch calves.
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bodyweight Only Crunches x 20-25
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Bodyweight Squats x 10-12
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, roll quads.
3 sets
Bench Plank x 30 sec
Hip Thrusts x 15 reps bodyweight only
Side Laterals x 20-25 without weights
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll rotator cuff, roll pecs, roll lats, roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, roll calves, roll quads.
If you have equipment the available:
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 10-15
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Chest Stretch with Dumbbells x 60 seconds
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll rotator cuff, roll pecs, roll lats, roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, roll calves, roll quads.
Roll and stretch alot during today's cooldown. Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Quick Stretch of Hamstrings with leg up and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Bodyweight Only Crunches x 20-25
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Bodyweight Squats x 10-12
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, roll quads.
3 sets
Bench Plank x 30 sec
Hip Thrusts x 15 reps bodyweight only
Side Laterals x 20-25 without weights
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll rotator cuff, roll pecs, roll lats, roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, roll calves, roll quads.
If you have equipment the available:
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Rows x 10-15
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15
Chest Stretch with Dumbbells x 60 seconds
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll rotator cuff, roll pecs, roll lats, roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, roll calves, roll quads.
Roll and stretch alot during today's cooldown. Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Quick Stretch of Hamstrings with leg up and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Weighted Crunches x 25
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, roll quads.
3 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Side Laterals x 13-15
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Hip Thrusts x 15 reps bodyweight only
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis.
3 sets
Flat Flyes x 10-12 reps
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-12
Wide Pulldowns x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and roll spinal erectors, rotator cuff, pecs, quads, and/or piriformis and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Quick Stretch of Hamstrings with leg up and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thigh, Calves, Tibialis, Lats.
Roll on Medicine Ball: Hamstrings.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Side of Hip, pec, and rotator cuff.
Stretch: Calves with knee straight. Calves with knee slightly bent. Hamstrings with leg up.
3 sets
Weighted Crunches x 25
Knee Pushups x AMAP
Rest 2 min and foam roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis, roll quads.
3 sets
Low Incline Rear Laterals x 10-12
Side Laterals x 13-15
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Hip Thrusts x 15 reps bodyweight only
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll rotator cuff, roll lats, roll spinal erectors, roll piriformis.
3 sets
Flat Flyes x 10-12 reps
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-12
Wide Pulldowns x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and roll spinal erectors, rotator cuff, pecs, quads, and/or piriformis and stretch quads, hams, and/or calves
Foam Roll Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves, Tibialis, Lats, Rotator cuff
Quick Stretch of Hamstrings with leg up and quads on swiss ball
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, Inner Thigh, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis, Rotator Cuff, and pec
Circuit #1
3 sets
Bicycles x 10-15 each side
Crunches x 10-15 reps
Knee Pushups x AMAP (as many as possible). These may be extremely hard or even impossible right now. I want you to simply try them and if they go well, great. If not, no problem, we'll come back to them later when your body is ready for them. If you can even do them for a partial range of motion, that is totally fine for now. That will provide us with a good starting point and we can build from there :)
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll spinal erectors and Roll Piriformis on Lacrosse Ball.
Circuit #2
3 sets
Side Laterals x 10-12
Dumbbell Front Raises x 10-12
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll piriformis, roll inner thigh.
Circuit #3
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls x10-15
One arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-12
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll piriformis, roll lats, rotator cuff.
Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, Inner Thigh, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis, Rotator Cuff, and pec
Circuit #1
3 sets
Bicycles x 10-15 each side
Crunches x 10-15 reps
Knee Pushups x AMAP (as many as possible). These may be extremely hard or even impossible right now. I want you to simply try them and if they go well, great. If not, no problem, we'll come back to them later when your body is ready for them. If you can even do them for a partial range of motion, that is totally fine for now. That will provide us with a good starting point and we can build from there :)
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll spinal erectors and Roll Piriformis on Lacrosse Ball.
Circuit #2
3 sets
Side Laterals x 10-12
Dumbbell Front Raises x 10-12
Hip Thrusts x 15-20
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll piriformis, roll inner thigh.
Circuit #3
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls x10-15
One arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-12
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll piriformis, roll lats, rotator cuff.
Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, Inner Thigh, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis, Rotator Cuff, and pec
Circuit #1
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 8-10
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 8-10
Crunches x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll spinal erectors and lats.
Circuit #2
3 sets
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 10-12
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, roll inner thigh.
3 sets
Side Laterals x 10-15 reps
Incline Dumbbell Curls x10-15
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, rotator cuff.
Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, Inner Thigh, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis, Rotator Cuff, and pec
Circuit #1
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 8-10
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 8-10
Crunches x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll spinal erectors and lats.
Circuit #2
3 sets
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x 10-12
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, roll inner thigh.
3 sets
Side Laterals x 10-15 reps
Incline Dumbbell Curls x10-15
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, rotator cuff.
Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, Inner Thigh, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis, Rotator Cuff, and pec
Circuit #1
3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Crunches x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll spinal erectors and lats.
Circuit #2
3 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-12
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, roll inner thigh.
3 sets
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 10-15 reps
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x10-15
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, rotator cuff.
Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, Inner Thigh, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis, Rotator Cuff, and pec
Circuit #1
3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows x 12-15
Crunches x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll spinal erectors and lats.
Circuit #2
3 sets
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-12
Bodyweight Squats x 10-15
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, roll inner thigh.
3 sets
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 10-15 reps
Rope Tricep Pushdowns x10-15
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, rotator cuff.
Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Don't push too hard today. The first day back after a break can be prone to make a person very sore. It often feels easy during the workout and then it hits you the next day very hard with alot of soreness. Not always, but often this is what happens. So just a heads up :) ... Let the body ease back into it with this first workout and then you can start to push a little harder in the next workout.
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, Inner Thigh, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis, Rotator Cuff, and pec
Circuit #1
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 13-15
Crunches x 20-25
Rope Cable Upright Rows x 12-15
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll spinal erectors and lats.
Circuit #2
3 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 13-15
Hip Thrusts x 15-20 bodyweight only without a bar on the hips
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, roll inner thigh.
3 sets
Side Laterals x 10-15 reps
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 12-15 reps
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-15 reps
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, rotator cuff.
Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Don't push too hard today. The first day back after a break can be prone to make a person very sore. It often feels easy during the workout and then it hits you the next day very hard with alot of soreness. Not always, but often this is what happens. So just a heads up :) ... Let the body ease back into it with this first workout and then you can start to push a little harder in the next workout.
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, Inner Thigh, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis, Rotator Cuff, and pec
Circuit #1
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press x 13-15
Crunches x 20-25
Rope Cable Upright Rows x 12-15
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll spinal erectors and lats.
Circuit #2
3 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 13-15
Hip Thrusts x 15-20 bodyweight only without a bar on the hips
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, roll inner thigh.
3 sets
Side Laterals x 10-15 reps
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 12-15 reps
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 12-15 reps
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, rotator cuff.
Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Rotator Cuff
Circuit #1
3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 13-15
Regular Crunches x 20-25
One Leg Balance x 20 seconds each leg
Rest 90 seconds
Circuit #2
3 sets
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 10-12
Walking Lunges x 6-8 reps on each leg (bodyweight only)
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll Quads, roll Piriformis on lacrosse ball.
3 sets
Rear Laterals on Low Incline Bench x 13-15
Flat Bench Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Step Ups x 8-10 each leg (hold small dumbbells in hands this time)
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, roll inner thigh.
Quick Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis and Rotator Cuff
Circuit #1
3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press x 13-15
Regular Crunches x 20-25
One Leg Balance x 20 seconds each leg
Rest 90 seconds
Circuit #2
3 sets
Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows x 10-12
Walking Lunges x 6-8 reps on each leg (bodyweight only)
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll Quads, roll Piriformis on lacrosse ball.
3 sets
Rear Laterals on Low Incline Bench x 13-15
Flat Bench Dumbbell Tricep Extensions x 10-15
Step Ups x 8-10 each leg (hold small dumbbells in hands this time)
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, roll inner thigh.
Quick Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis,
3 sets
Regular Crunches x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll spinal erectors and piriformis between sets.
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 13-15
Walking Lunges x 3-6 reps each leg
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll Quads, roll Piriformis on lacrosse ball.
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 13-15
Side Laterals x 10-15
Hip Thrusts x 15 bodyweight only without a bar on the hips
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, roll inner thigh.
2 sets
Step Ups x 12-13 each leg (bodyweight only)
Rest 90-120 seconds
Quick Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Foam Roll: Spinal Erectors, Quads, IT Bands.
Roll on lacrosse ball: Piriformis,
3 sets
Regular Crunches x 20-25
Rest 90 seconds and foam roll spinal erectors and piriformis between sets.
2 sets
Flat Flyes x 13-15
Walking Lunges x 3-6 reps each leg
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll Quads, roll Piriformis on lacrosse ball.
2 sets
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 13-15
Side Laterals x 10-15
Hip Thrusts x 15 bodyweight only without a bar on the hips
Rest 90 seconds and use the time for any of the following: foam roll quads, roll lats, roll inner thigh.
2 sets
Step Ups x 12-13 each leg (bodyweight only)
Rest 90-120 seconds
Quick Foam Roll for each of the following: Quads, IT Bands, Inner Thighs, Piriformis, Calves
Foam roll spinal erectors, foam roll quads, roll piriformis on lacrosse ball, stretch pecs with doorway stretch, stretch calves on step.
Circuit #1
5 sets
Crunches x 15-20 reps
Rest 30-45 seconds and roll spinal erectors on foam roller during rest
Circuit #2
3 Sets
Hip Thrusts x 15-25 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15 reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15 reps (if you don't have the exact same bar for this one, that is fine, just use whatever bar you have for pulldowns on the cable machine)
Rest 90 seconds and roll quads and/or stretch calves on step during rest period
Circuit #3
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 13-15 reps
Tricep Rope Cable Pushdowns x 13-15 reps
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-13 reps each leg (on a 10"-12" box) - bodyweight only, no dumbbells yet
Rest 90 seconds
Foam roll spinal erectors, foam roll quads, roll piriformis on lacrosse ball, stretch pecs with doorway stretch, stretch calves on step.
Circuit #1
5 sets
Crunches x 15-20 reps
Rest 30-45 seconds and roll spinal erectors on foam roller during rest
Circuit #2
3 Sets
Hip Thrusts x 15-25 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press x 12-15 reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns x 10-15 reps (if you don't have the exact same bar for this one, that is fine, just use whatever bar you have for pulldowns on the cable machine)
Rest 90 seconds and roll quads and/or stretch calves on step during rest period
Circuit #3
3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 13-15 reps
Tricep Rope Cable Pushdowns x 13-15 reps
Dumbbell Step Ups x 12-13 reps each leg (on a 10"-12" box) - bodyweight only, no dumbbells yet
Rest 90 seconds
Circuit #1
3 sets
Crunches x 15-20 reps
Side Laterals x 12-15 reps
Hip Thrusts x 15-25 reps - without a bar on the hips (bodyweight only)
Rest 60-90 seconds
Circuit #2
3 Sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 13-15 reps
Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extension x 13-15 reps
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 reps each leg (on a 10"-12" box) - bodyweight only, no dumbbells yet
Rest 90 seconds
Circuit #3
3 sets
One arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-12reps each arm
Crunches x 15 reps
Rope Cable Upright Row x 10-12 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Circuit #1
3 sets
Crunches x 15-20 reps
Side Laterals x 12-15 reps
Hip Thrusts x 15-25 reps - without a bar on the hips (bodyweight only)
Rest 60-90 seconds
Circuit #2
3 Sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls x 13-15 reps
Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extension x 13-15 reps
Dumbbell Step Ups x 10-12 reps each leg (on a 10"-12" box) - bodyweight only, no dumbbells yet
Rest 90 seconds
Circuit #3
3 sets
One arm Dumbbell Rows x 10-12reps each arm
Crunches x 15 reps
Rope Cable Upright Row x 10-12 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Circuit #1
4 Sets:
One-arm Dumbbell Rows x 13-15 reps (try 15lbs first and adjust up or down as needed)
Crunches on floor (without added weight) x 15-20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Circuit #2
3 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 13-15 reps
Step Ups (with bodyweight only - DO NOT use dumbbells) on an 8"-12" box x 10 reps each leg. (Do not perform this on a bench even though that is what I did in the video for this one. A bench is too high for your current strength. Simply find a sturdy object that is 8"-12" high. That will be the perfect height.)
Rest 90 seconds
Circuit #3
3 sets
Rope Cable Upright Rows x 12-15 reps
Ball Squats with bodyweight only x 10-15 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Circuit #1
4 Sets:
One-arm Dumbbell Rows x 13-15 reps (try 15lbs first and adjust up or down as needed)
Crunches on floor (without added weight) x 15-20
Tricep Rope Pushdowns x 15-20 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Circuit #2
3 sets
Rope Cable Curls x 13-15 reps
Step Ups (with bodyweight only - DO NOT use dumbbells) on an 8"-12" box x 10 reps each leg. (Do not perform this on a bench even though that is what I did in the video for this one. A bench is too high for your current strength. Simply find a sturdy object that is 8"-12" high. That will be the perfect height.)
Rest 90 seconds
Circuit #3
3 sets
Rope Cable Upright Rows x 12-15 reps
Ball Squats with bodyweight only x 10-15 reps
Rest 90 seconds