Military Press (Kettlebells)
The Military Press with Kettlebells is a variant of the Military Press performed with a Barbell. Much of the technique is the same (regarding how to shift your hips throughout the exercise so we recommend that you refer to that exercise description to assist you in mastering this exercise as well). Although this is not a bodyweight exercise, it is performed in an upright standing position which requires stabilizing the entire body and controlling the two separate ketteblells during the entire exercise. These aspects of this movement make it very beneficial to the development of bodyweight strength and body mastery.
The Military Press with kettlebells is performed in a standing position and the starting position is holding the kettlebells at your upper chest/shoulder level with you palms facing inward toward your own body with the kettlebells hugged in to yourself tightly (allow no space to exist between your fists and your body).
In order to get the kettlebells up to this proper starting position you will have had to perform a single rep of a Kettlebell Clean (two-handed) which is another bodyweight strength exercise altogether. Therefore, do not even attempt to perform a Military Press with kettlelbells until you have mastered the Kettlebell Clean (two-handed).
Now, for those of you that have already mastered the Kettlebell Clean (two-handed)...
Starting from the starting position you will begin to press the kettlebells upward following precisely the exact same technique advice regarding head positioning, hip positioning, core tightness, and leg tightness as you have learned from thoroughly studying the Military Press (barbell) exercise description. The only significant technique difference is that with the kettlebells you will steadily rotate the direction that your palms are facing (and thereby rotate the kettlebells as well) outwards until they are facing away from you on each side when you reach the top position of the exercise with a full lockout of the elbows and the shoulders.
You will lower them in the exact same fashion, once again following the exact technique advice from the Military Press (barbell) and adding in the kettlebell aspect of rotating your hands so that they are once again facing your own body when you reach the bottom of the movement. As at the beginning of the movement, make sure to hug them in close at the bottom and then smoothly spress them back up into the next rep of the exercise.
Disclaimer - We do not recommend performing any exercise without the supervision of a highly qualified bodyweight strength professional present with you. This detailed exercise description is for informational purposes only. Consult your physician before attempting any strength training program or attempting this exercise or any of the other exercises on
The Military Press with kettlebells is performed in a standing position and the starting position is holding the kettlebells at your upper chest/shoulder level with you palms facing inward toward your own body with the kettlebells hugged in to yourself tightly (allow no space to exist between your fists and your body).
In order to get the kettlebells up to this proper starting position you will have had to perform a single rep of a Kettlebell Clean (two-handed) which is another bodyweight strength exercise altogether. Therefore, do not even attempt to perform a Military Press with kettlelbells until you have mastered the Kettlebell Clean (two-handed).
Now, for those of you that have already mastered the Kettlebell Clean (two-handed)...
Starting from the starting position you will begin to press the kettlebells upward following precisely the exact same technique advice regarding head positioning, hip positioning, core tightness, and leg tightness as you have learned from thoroughly studying the Military Press (barbell) exercise description. The only significant technique difference is that with the kettlebells you will steadily rotate the direction that your palms are facing (and thereby rotate the kettlebells as well) outwards until they are facing away from you on each side when you reach the top position of the exercise with a full lockout of the elbows and the shoulders.
You will lower them in the exact same fashion, once again following the exact technique advice from the Military Press (barbell) and adding in the kettlebell aspect of rotating your hands so that they are once again facing your own body when you reach the bottom of the movement. As at the beginning of the movement, make sure to hug them in close at the bottom and then smoothly spress them back up into the next rep of the exercise.
Disclaimer - We do not recommend performing any exercise without the supervision of a highly qualified bodyweight strength professional present with you. This detailed exercise description is for informational purposes only. Consult your physician before attempting any strength training program or attempting this exercise or any of the other exercises on