Close Grip Chin-ups (Underhand)
Bodyweight Strength - This is typically the easiest version of chin-ups/pull-ups so it is most frequently the first one that is mastered by a person seeking to gain bodyweight strength. For that reason, it is a big milestone that marks a huge step on the road towards total bodyweight strength mastery. It separates the people who can do chin-ups from the people who cannot do chin-ups. Achieve this step and you have made a giant leap in the right direction...this is something to be proud of.
The technique for this exercise is exactly the same as the technique for Close Grip Overhand Pull-ups except that for this version you will be performing the chin-ups with an underhand grip (palms facing towards yourself) rather than an overhand grip (palms facing away from yourself).
Disclaimer - We do not recommend performing any exercise without the supervision of a highly qualified bodyweight strength professional present with you. This detailed exercise description is for informational purposes only. Consult your physician before attempting any strength training program or attempting this exercise or any of the other exercises on
The technique for this exercise is exactly the same as the technique for Close Grip Overhand Pull-ups except that for this version you will be performing the chin-ups with an underhand grip (palms facing towards yourself) rather than an overhand grip (palms facing away from yourself).
Disclaimer - We do not recommend performing any exercise without the supervision of a highly qualified bodyweight strength professional present with you. This detailed exercise description is for informational purposes only. Consult your physician before attempting any strength training program or attempting this exercise or any of the other exercises on